Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Lost in cruelty, death, hatred.
Lost... in a world of darkness
Crying for help...
Reaching out for a lift,
but other's hands are closed.
A child... lost in this world,
asking for a way out,
but no one listens...
No one cares.
Lost... in a sea of emotions,
in a world of endless pain,
for all the beauty of creation...
By those created to cultivate it.
Lost... in a land of pain,
in a sea of emotion,
in a world of darkness.
Trapped, with no escape,
except, to love or...

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

This is my secret place...

Well actually all that I will write within here is from my secret place... from within the depths of my soul and heart. That doesn't mean that I won't occasionally post something silly... after all childishness is within our human nature. I'm just a child like you, for we never grow up before we die... no one has ever really lived long enough to grow up.
I may also post some blog things and other such stuff, after all this is just a forum for my thoughts and ideas as well as any other silly thing i like, (or dislike.) I'm not really posting this for anyone other than me, but please do feel free to read and I don't mind any comments and/or criticism... just please don't be vulgar, and do be Intelligent about it. Thank you for reading, and enjoy.

FYI: Gypsiphela paniculata means, Baby's Breath (the flower)
I was going to title this blog spot, Specialis locus pro Gypsophila paniculata- roughly translated as: A secret place for Baby's Breath, however that was just too long. :P